Monday, 31 October 2016

Toronto Mount Sinai Hospital's Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum Lies to The College of Physicians and Surgeons

We, at The Canadian, are covering the latest developments concerning Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's apparent violation of medical ethics. This include the treatment of what the The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario refers to as “family relations”.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has a strict prohibition against doctors in the province treating family relations. Dr. Tenenbaum's treatment of the mother of his daughter-in-law led to devastating results. Dezrin can no longer walk, write or talk anymore because of Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum and his entourage.
Apparently, in order to avoid possible rebuke by The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, do you know what he did? Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum told The College that he has just been a very casual “advisor” and had no formal relationship with Dezrin as her doctor. However, this rather laughable assertion conflicts with eyewitness reporting which indicates that Marcella, his daughter-in-law, on multiple occasions introduced Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum as Dezrin's “primary care physician”.
Interestingly enough, Dr. Tenenbaum had admitted in The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario report dated 12 October 2016 that he had provided a “referral” to Dezrin. This begs the question, how could he provide a referral to Dezrin if he had only seen Dezrin once and was not acting as her doctor?
It is apparent that Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum lied, as Marcella, his daughter-in-law lied about Raymond, her brother, in order to support Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum's activities.
Here are some petitions against Dr. Jerry Tenenbaum that you might wish to consider supporting.
Petition 1 -
Petition 2 -
Petition 3 -
Read more....

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